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Sono fioriti i fiori gialli

Sono fioriti i fiori gialli Scritto il 9 Maggio 2020 Facebook Twitter Stampa Pinterest LinkedIn Sono fioriti i fiori gialli Sono fioriti i fiori gialli Fotografia L’immagine riguarda la fioritura primaverile di fiori gialli ( iris) l’immagine è stata modificata (painted) * * * Possibilità di acquisto della fotografia ad alta risoluzione Se vuoi acquistare questa fotografia puoi andare su questo sito per scaricarla ad alta risoluzione: Sito dove scaricare la fotografia – Site where to download the photograph https://giancarlogal Sito dove scaricare la fotografia – Site where to download the photograph If you want to buy this photograph you can go to this site to download it in high resolution: h ttps:// I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! Continuo la pubblicazione di fotografie elaborate con la...

Fiore ibisco rosso - photographic processing (338)

Fiore ibisco rosso - photographic processing (338) Fiore ibisco rosso - photographic processing (338) * * * I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! Continuo la pubblicazionedi fotografie elaborate con la tecnica hdr ed altri sistemi ... Spero ti piacciano ! e comunque ... grazie per la visita ! If you liked the picture, you can also see the other posts of my blog under “Fotografie” or the list in: Se ti è piaciuta la fotografia puoi visionarne altre tramite il seguente elenco:   Fotografie – categorie and /or P hotographs - categorie here is the list of links of photographs categorized. The link can be traced back to the specific photograph you will find more detail in the object. Fotografie – cat...

Rosa rosa - photographic processing (336)

Rosa rosa - photographic processing (336) Rosa rosa - photographic processing (336) * * * I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! Continuo la pubblicazionedi fotografie elaborate con la tecnica hdr ed altri sistemi ... Spero ti piacciano ! e comunque ... grazie per la visita ! If you liked the picture, you can also see the other posts of my blog under “Fotografie” or the list in: Se ti è piaciuta la fotografia puoi visionarne altre tramite il seguente elenco:   Fotografie – categorie   and /or P hotographs - categorie here is the list of links of photographs categorized. The link can be traced back to the specific photograph you will find more detail in the object. Fotografie – categorie ecco l’elenco de...

Geranio- photographic processing (273)

Geranio- photographic processing (273) Geranio- photographic processing (273) * * * I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! If you liked the picture, you can also see the other posts of my blog under “Fotografie” or the list in: and follow me on social network for photographers 500px: www. follow me on social network Facebook: follow me on social network Twitter: follow me on social network for photographers Flickr: follow me on my blog Altervista: follow me on Pinterest: I am an amateur photographer. I like to photograph everything around me and I do not have a specific genr...

Fiori gialli - photographic processing (261)

Fiori gialli - photographic processing (261) Painting su fiori gialli Fiori gialli - photographic processing (261) * * * I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! If you liked the picture, you can also see the other posts of my blog under “Fotografie” or the list in: and follow me on social network for photographers 500px: www. follow me on social network Facebook: follow me on social network Twitter: follow me on social network for photographers Flickr: follow me on my blog Altervista: follow me on Pinterest: I am an amateur photographer. I like to photograph everything a...