Various Artists - "Space Themes" Soundtracks CD

"Space Themes" - Various Artists - Soundtracks CD Questo cd è del 1998 Sono contenute le più significative colonne sonore originali dei film del genere "fantascienza" questi sono i brani contenuti * Theme From The X Files * Independence Day * Battlestar Galactica * Blue Danube (2001 A Space Odyssey) * Time Cop (Main Theme) * Back To The Future Iii * Theme From The Twilght Zone * Theme From Et * Close Encounters Of The Third Kind * Yoda4s Theme * The Empire Strikes Back * March Of The Jedi Knights * Phenomena - Change The World * Main Tv Theme From Star Treck * Star Wars Main Theme * Luke & Leia (Star Wars) * 2001 Also Sprach Zarathus...