Ponte rosso - photographic processing (239)

Ponte rosso - photographic processing (239) Ponte rosso ad Albenga Ponte rosso - photographic processing (239) Fotografia scattata ad Albenga, si tratta del "ponte rosso" sul fiume Centa - Liguria - Italia. * * * I continue the publication of photographs processed with hdr technique and other … I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting! If you liked the picture, you can also see the other posts of my blog under “Fotografie” or the list in: www.gallogiancarlo.altervista.org/hdr001.html and www.gallogiancarlo.altervista.org/giancarlogallofoto.html follow me on social network for photographers 500px: www. 500px.com/gallogiancarlo follow me on social network Facebook: www.facebook.com/gallogiancarlo follow me on social network Twitter: www.twitter.com/gallogiancarlo follow me on social network for photographers Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/gallogiancarlo follow me on my blog Altervista: www.giancarlogallo.altervista.org/ follow me on Pinterest: ...